Dec10th Poznan Dental Brigade Fundraiser

Food orders (Poznan Dental Brigade Fundraiser)

Thank you for being a part of the Dental Brigade Fundraiser. 🥳🥳Show your support to our food sale by ordering our delicious homemade foods!!All profit will be donated towards Global/Dental Brigades and help reach volunteers' donation goals!! 🔥🙏(Write the amount of the products you want in "order")
INSTAGRAM: dentalbrigadespoznan

Name and Surname



Name on facebook

Order No. (System Created)



Weekly special


Brown sugar cake (limited amount)

6zł/each       Sub-total


Red bean,Purple rice and Milk sweet congee (400ml)

11zł/each       Sub-total


Taiwanese Pork pie

7zł/each       Sub-total

Taiwanese Beef pie

7zł/each       Sub-total


Minced pork stew with braised egg

17zł/each       Sub-total

Total amount

Transfer information

Name of account:

Chia Hui Wu

Account number:



**Please type your Name with Title in payment detail** (example: Sam Dental Brigade food)

**Orders will only be made after completing transcation**

What else would you like us to sell?
Give us some advice!!

Payment Status (Staff Create)